Dwarf-shrub Cassiope
tetragona is a
common plant of tundra. In the end of June it covers lower parts of slopes
with white flowers (photo by E.B. Pospelova). |
Larkspur (Delphinium
middendorffii) is observed only in the western part of the Reserve, where it
grows on rocks, as well as on valley and mountains meadows. |
uncomely plant is Arctosiberian Wormwood (Artemisia arctisibirica), found only in two places on Taimyr. This
population of the plant is more than 70 years old, in 1928
it was met here by A.I. Tolmachev. |
flowers of Rose-bay (Chamaenerion
latifolium) are conspicuous on pebbles of mountain and plain rivers
in August. However, it blooms only in warm years. |
Harsh Sea Pink (Armeria scabra) is common on sandy flats of plain river valleys.
This is seaside plant, penetrating into
continental regions by valleys. |
Stonecrop (Rhodiola
rosea), included in the USSR Red Data Book, is common on rocks of Byrranga
mountains. |
(Thymus extremus) is rather rare
in the Taimyrsky Reserve, but can be observed on sands of high river
terraces, as well as on steppe-like mountain
meadows. |